Privacy Policy

We have established, implemented and maintained the following personal information protection policy based on a clearly defined philosophy of personal information protection.

  1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations.

    We will comply with laws, national guidelines, and related regulations regarding the handling of personal information.

  2. Collection of Personal Information.

    When we collect personal information, we will clarify the purpose of its use and use it in an appropriate and fair manner to the minimum extent necessary.

  3. Use and Provision of Personal Information.

    We will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purposes of use (use for purposes other than those specified). We will also take measures to this end.

  4. Management and Protection of Personal Information.

    We take reasonable security measures to protect the personal information we collect from loss, destruction, alteration, leakage, and unauthorized access. We protect your personal information by using high-security technology and maintaining a high level of security on our website. When collecting information, we clarify the purpose of its use and use it in an appropriate and fair manner and to the minimum extent necessary.

  5. Disposal of Personal Information.

    When the purpose of use of personal information is achieved, we will promptly dispose of or delete the personal information.

  6. Disclosure and Correction of Personal Information and Response to Complaints and Consultations

    When we receive a request from the person concerned or his/her representative regarding personal information, we will take necessary actions within a reasonable scope in accordance with laws and regulations. In addition, when we receive a complaint or consultation regarding the handling of personal information from the person concerned or his/her representative, we will deal with it appropriately.

  7. Development and Continuous Improvement of Internal Systems.

    We will establish and maintain a personal information protection management system (information security management system). We will also continuously improve the contents of the system.

  8. Prevention and Correction of Incidents and Accidents.

    We will strive to prevent incidents and accidents (leakage, loss, or damage of personal information) concerning personal information, and will promptly take corrective measures in the event of such incidents and accidents.

  9. Inquiries About Personal Information

    If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, or if you have any comments or concerns about personal information, please contact us at the following address.
